Medium Animal Portrait


Please upload an image of your pet here to use as a reference for the painting.

This option allows you to upload an additional image—whether it's of a second pet you'd like included in the portrait or simply another photo of the same pet.

You can use this space to add any additional requests for the painting (e.g., background details), which will be considered within reason.

Capture the essence of your beloved pet with a beautifully hand-painted portrait, crafted with care using high-quality, non-toxic paints. Each piece is thoughtfully created to bring out the unique personality of your animal companion.

Your painting will be ready within three weeks. However, for those in need of a quick turnaround, I offer expedited options with a completion time of 1-2 weeks—just reach out to confirm availability beforehand.

To get started, simply upload a high-resolution image. You're also welcome to share additional photos through the 'contact' option afterwards.

Canvas specification: 20 x 20cm

Available for delivery within the UK only.

Have any questions? Feel free to message me—I’d love to help!